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[10-16 20:00:41]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  笔试   阅读:90
摘要:1a. According to the passage, many of the home electric goods which are supposed to liberate women_________A. remove unpleasant aspects of housework.B. Save the housewife very little time.C. Save the housewife’s time but not her money.D. Have absolutely no value for the housewife.1b. According to the c。

  1a. According to the passage, many of the home electric goods which are supposed to liberate women_________

  A. remove unpleasant aspects of housework.

  B. Save the housewife very little time.

  C. Save the housewife’s time but not her money.

  D. Have absolutely no value for the housewife.

  1b. According to the context, capital investment refers to money _____

  A. spent on a washing machine.

  B. borrowed from the bank.

  C. saved in the bank.

  D. lent to other people.

  1c. The goods advertised in women’s magazines are really meant to ________

  A. free housewives from housework.

  B. Encourage housewives to go out to work.

  C. Turn housewives into excellent cooks.

  D. Give them a false sense of fulfillment.


  2. 当今社会,女性在职场中处于一个非常不利的位置。请简述一下,造成这种情况的根源是什么?(10分)


  1. 假如公司来了一位农村来的客人,他要求一位男工作人员去招待他,而此时只有你一个在,你要如何说服这位客人接受你的招待?(5分)

  2. 华南农业大学学生职业规划园的口号是什么?(2分)

  3. 华南农业大学学生职业规划园举办过的品牌活动包括哪些?(请列举三个或以上)(3分)

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