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[05-17 02:05:18]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  七年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:2、在活动中自我锻炼和培养。提高听、说、读、写等方面的能力。(五)教学实施过程Step1 RevisionRevise the words: chemical, experiment, observe and observationStep2 pre-readingSB Page22 Part1. Discuss the oral homework by asking the class the questions in part1. Continue discussing until they show an understanding of the meaning of observation and obs。



Step1 Revision

Revise the words: chemical, experiment, observe and observation

Step2 pre-reading

SB Page22 Part1. Discuss the oral homework by asking the class the questions in part1. Continue discussing until they show an understanding of the meaning of observation and observing.

Step3 Presentation: Refer to the picture at the top of Page22. Ask students questions about the picture.

Step4 Reading

Answer the question: How did the students feel after they tasted the mixture?

Step5 Practice

Wb Lesson16 Ex.1

Step6 Workbook

Wb Lesson18, Exx2 and 3

Step7 Consolidation

Discuss about the question: What can we learn from this lesson?

Step8 Homework

Write what they can learn from this lesson.


(一)Warming up


T: Do you still remember the words what we learned in Lesson17?

(The teacher writes words on the Bb: chemical, experiment, observe and observation)

Ss: Read together.

T: Do you know which word “observation” comes from?

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