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  • 名称:新目标英语八年级下6-10单元测试题
  • 类型:八年级英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:07-06 01:58:10
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:6234
  • 语言简体中文
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  • 推荐度:3 星级





1.A.shout   B.round   C.cloudy  D.country

2.A.tooth   B.cool    C.foot    D.mooncake

3.A.kill B.island  C.diary   D.wife

4.A.season  B.pleased C.easily  D.great

5.A.weather B.southern   C.teeth   D.farthest


1. My mother was doing some cooking in the ________.

2. Have you been to the ________?

3. Kate is my ________. We often go to school together.

4.From the small house came a girl's ________.

5.In the end, they worked out a software ________ with the old machine.


1.push(反义词) ________     2.we(反身代词) ________

3.run(现在分词) ________    4.see(过去分词) ________

5.easy(副词) ________       6.cool(反义词) ________

7.above(反义词) ________    8.popular(最高级) ________

9.tomato(复数) ________     10.thick(反义词) ________


1.Mother went away and left her son alone.

A.by herself                B.himself

C.by himself                D.herself

2.They came at last.

A.late                      B.at once</PGN0207.TXT/PGN>

C.at the end                D.in the end

3.Did you enjoy yourself at the party yesterday?

A.have a good meal          B.have a good time

C.have a wonderful game     D.have a good rest

4.I'm pleased to help her with her English.

A.good                      B.kind

C.sad                       D.glad

5.Take-away food is very popular.

A.interesting               B.liked by many people

C.important                 D.read by many people

6.Don't worry. You'll be OK very soon.

A.right                     B.nice

C.happy                     D.well

7.It was wet yesterday.

A.cloudy                    B.windy

C.sunny                     D.rainy

8.We got to the shop at six.

A.reached                   B.arrived

C.got                       D.left

9.She called me yesterday afternoon.

A.shouted                   B.phoned

C.talked to                 D.go to see

10.I'm able to read English stories.

A.may                       B.can

C.must                      D.reed


1.They are talking and laughing ________. How ________ they look!

A.happy; happy                 B.happily; happy

C.happily; happily             D.happy; happily

2.-Would you mind turning down the music?

- ________.

A.Yes, I would.              B.No, I won't do it.

C.Sorry. I'll do it right away D.Sony. I'll turn it up later.

3.He and his friends ________ much time ________ the work.

A.spend; doing                 B.spent; doing

C.took; to do                  D.cast; do

4.Mark Twain liked to tell funny stories  ________.

A.to make people to laugh      B.to make people laughing

C.to make people laughed       D.to make people laugh</PGN0208.TXT/PGN>

5.My brother drew ________ picture yesterday.

A.quite a nice                 B.a quite nice

C.quite nice a                 D.a nice quite

6.He saw his dog ________ out of the house.

A.to go                        B.go

C.goes                         D.went

7.The old man was often ________ at home, so he felt ________ sometimes.

A.alone; lonely                B.alone; alone

C.lonely; lonely               D.lonely; alone

8.Could you tell me ________?

A.where is it                  B.where was it

C.where it is                  D.it is where

9.Could you ________ my son, please?

A.make a room for              B.make room for

C.make rooms for               D.makes room for

l0.The baby has slept ________ half past one.

A.in         B.for         C.since      D.after


Paris has a beautiful name, the City of   1   Do you know   2   it means? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at   3  . the street are very   4   When you   5   in Paris, you need not turn   6   your headlights even after dark.

Paris is full of light all day and all night. But this is not the   7   reason for its beautiful name. For hundreds of years, Paris has been the centre of science and art.   8   scientists and artists have come to   9   here. For this reason also, people   10   it the City of Lights.

1.A.Flowers                B.Cars

   C.Lights                 D.Stars

2.A.what                   B.how

   C.where                  D.when

3.A.noon                   B.night

   C.day                    D.evening

4.A.black                  B.dark

   C.noisy                  D.bright

5.A.walk                   B.go

   C.drive                  D.live

6.A.off                    B.down

   C.out                    D.on

7.A.only                   B.other

   C.any                    D.another

8.A.No                     B.Many

   C.Few                    D.A few

9.A.study                  B.drive

   C.play                   D.have dinner

10.A.make                  B.call

    C.build                 D.find</PGN0209.TXT/PGN>


A: What are you going to   1   in your summer   2  ?

B: I'll go to my   3   town   4   my parents.

A: Who will you   5   there?

B: My grandparents. August 15th   6   my grandpa's birthday.

A: Oh,   7   will you get him?

B: A big birthday cake   8   a new coat.

A: I think you'll have a good   9  .

B: I'm   10   we will.



There is a village, and in the village everybody is rich. They all have beautiful houses and nice clothes. They are good at business(经商). One day a young man comes to the village. He talks with a merchant(商人). "Look," he says. "You are all good businessmen. What is the secret?" "The secret is this," answered the merchant. "We eat a lot of fish, and the fish is good for our brain(大脑). It makes us clever." "I see," says the young man, "and what is the name of the fish?" "I don't know," says the merchant. "But if you give me ten pounds, I can send you some." The young man thinks it is a good idea. So he gives the merchant ten pounds and tells him his address(地址). Soon the young man receives a box. In the box there are three fish.

After about a month the young man meets the merchant again. "Thank you for the fish," he says, "but listen. Ten pounds is very expensive for just three fish." "Ah, you see!" says the merchant. "The fish is beginning to have an effect(效果). You are becoming clever!"

1.People in the village are good at ________.

A.farm work  B.fishing

C.business   D.teaching

2.The merchant tells the young man that they ________.

A.sell fish  B.eat fish

C.catch fish D.keep fish

3.The young man gives ten pounds to the merchant because ________.

A.he needs a box

B.he wants to know the name of the fish

C.he wants to eat the fish and become clever</PGN0210.TXT/PGN>

D.he is a rich man

4.The young man is

A.clever  B.not clever

C.bright  D.great

5.The story tells ________.

A.the merchant is cunning(狡猾)

B.fish is clear

C.fish is delicious

D.fish can really make one clever


Today almost everyone knows computers and Internet(因特网). If I ask you "What is the most important in your life?" Maybe you will say "Computes and Internet".

The first computer was made in 1946. It was very big and it worked slowly. Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, "People can't live without computers today."

Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, write letters, buy something, or make friends.

Many students like Internet very much. They often go to Internet bars(吧)as soon as they are free. There they make friends and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don't know their real names, ages, even sex(性别). They are so interested in making the "unreal friends" that they can't put their hearts into study. Many of them can't catch up with the others on many subjects because of that. We can use computers and Internet to study or to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and Internet.

1.Internet can't be used for shopping.

2.When computer was invented, it was large and worked slowly.

3.Internet was born in about 1980.

4.Students know the friends in Internet very well.

5.The writer thinks that students can use computers and Internet to study or to learn more about the world.



1.Hurry up, or you'll be late for class again.(改为同义句)</PGN0211.TXT/PGN>

________ you ________ hurry, ________ ________ be late for class again.

2.This problem is very difficult. we can't work it out.(合并为一句)

This problem is ________ difficult for us ________ work out.

3.Tom has few friends in his class, ________ ________?(完成反意疑问句)

4.Mr Ii is busier than all the other teachers.(改为同义句)

Mr Li is ________ ________ teacher ________ ________.

5.He said, "I live in Beijing."(改为间接引语)

He said ________ ________ in Beijing.




一、A.1.D  2.C  3.A  4.D  5.C

B.1.kitchen  2.church  3.cousin  4.voice  5.programme

二、1.pull  2.ourselves  3.running  4.seen  5.easily  6.warm  7.below  8.most popular  9.tomatoes  10.thin

三、1.C  2.D  3.B  4.D  5.B  6.D  7.D  8.A  9.B  10.B

四、1.B  修饰动词要用副词happily; look是系动词,后跟形容词happy做表语,并用How修饰。


3.B  spend+时间或金钱+(in)doing sth.结构。

4.D  make sb. do结构,make是使役动词,用动词原形做宾补。

5.A  quite a nice picture“相当漂亮的一幅画”。

6.B  see sb. do sth.用动词原形作宾补,表示看到事情发展的全过程。

7.A  alone “单独,独自”;lonely“孤独的;寂寞的”。

8.C  宾语从句用陈述语序。

9.B  room做“空间”解,是不可数名词。

10.C  “since+时间点”表示“自从……时间以来”。

五、1.C  只读上下句,无法判断此空的正确选择,只有通读全文,特别是文章最后一句点明the City of Lights。

2.A  疑问句代词what引导宾语从句,且在从句中作宾语。

3.B  at night意为“在夜里”,习惯用法。

4.D  从上下文可知。</PGN0212.TXT/PGN>

5.C  由主句中的headlights可判定选C。

6.D  由even after dark推知选D, turn on意为“打开”。

7.A  以上作者只找了一个原因,B、C、D显然不符合逻辑。

8.B  从全文分析,many最符合常理。

9.A  科学家和艺术家来巴黎是为了学习,深造。

10.B  call it…“称之为……”。

六、1.do  2.holidays  3.home  4.with  5.visit  6.is  7.what  8.and  9.time  10.Sure

七、A.1.C  村子里的人很会做生意。

2.B  商人告诉那个年轻人他们吃鱼。

3.C  那个年轻人给商人十英镑是因为他想吃到那样的鱼而变聪明。

4.B  那个年轻人不很聪明。

5.A  故事告诉我们商人很狡猾。

B.1.F  我们可以上网看书、写信、购物或交友。

2.T  第一台电脑体积又大,运行速度也很慢。

3.F  根据文章第二、三段进行推理得知:Internet比computers晚25年应该是大约1970年产生因特网。

4.F  学生们对网友不会了解地很清楚。

5.T  作者认为我们应利用电脑学习或研究更多有关世界的知识。

八、A.1.If; don't; you will  2.too; to  3.does he  4.the busiest; of all  5.he lived

B.Dear Miss Gao,

I'm sorry I can't go to school today. I helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday. Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasn't badly hurt. The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. So I ask for leave for twodays.

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