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[05-17 02:42:49]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:4.B,at。表示在时间的某一点上用at,in通常表示在某个时间范围内。5.A,was able to,can与be able to在一般情况下可以互换使用,但两者无论在任何情况下都不能合用。6.A,good,be good at是个固定词语,它相当于do well in,两者中间的good与well不能混用。例4就下列各句划线部分提问1) My mother paid fifty yuan for the skirt.______ _____ did your mother ______ for the skirt?2) I don’t like summer because it’s too hot.____。
  5.A,was able to,can与be able to在一般情况下可以互换使用,但两者无论在任何情况下都不能合用。
  6.A,good,be good at是个固定词语,它相当于do well in,两者中间的good与well不能混用。
例4 就下列各句划线部分提问
 1) My mother paid fifty yuan for the skirt.______ _____ did your mother ______ for the skirt?
 2) I don’t like summer because it’s too hot. ________ ________ you like summer?
 3) I have been to Shanghai twice. ________ ________ ________ have you been to Shanghai?
 4) It’s going to be rainy tomorrow.____ _____ the weather going to ____ _____ tomorrow?
 5) Sam has stayed in Beijing two months.______ _____ months has Sam stayed in Beijing?
 6) All that afternoon Ted jumped and sang all kinds of songs.
 ________ ________ Ling Feng ________ all that afternoon?
  就谓语提问时,无论是及物动词带宾语或是不及物动词,问句都以what开头,并以do的适当形式代替谓语动词。同时,助动词也要根据需要变化形式。就宾语提问时,表示人的疑问词用whom或who,表示物的用what或which。就状语提问时,表示时间的通常用when,表示地点的用 where,表示原因的用why,表示程度或方式的用how。就定语提问时,修饰主语的,问句语序不变,就修饰宾语或表语的定语提问,必须把代替它的疑问词和它所修饰的词一起提到句首。问谁的用whose,问哪个用which或What,问数量用how many(可数)或how many(不可数),问次数的用how many times等。
答案为: l) How, much, pay 2) Why, don’t 3) How, many, times.
  4) What, is, be, like 5) How, many 6) What, did, do 7) How, old

四、习题精选 初三英语总复习单元自查练习(UNIT 6)疑难解答。(本习题课前发给学生)
I. 词语练习
  A) 从下列各题所给的三个选项中选择与句中划线部分意思最接近的解释。
( )1. We have been to the Great Wall twice before.  A.two times  B. twins  C. already
( )2. You can borrow the book, but you must return it on time.
  A. get it back B. give it back C. take it bake
( )3. Hold on for a moment, please. A. Come on  B. Rest  C. Wait
( )4. Tom’s mother is ill. We must send for the doctor at once.
  A. go to see the doctor   B. ask the doctor to come  C. take her to the doctor
( )5. This question is easy to answer.    A. important  B. not difficult  C. hard
( )6. The plane arrived in Moscow on time yesterday. A.reached B. got in C. visited
参考答案:1—6 A B C B B A
  B) 根据句意选择适当的词语填空。
  1. ________ me to introduce my friends to you. (promise, allow)
  2. ________ you use it, it won’t break.
  He tired to his best to run as fast as I, ________ he is too weak. (however, but)
  3. ________ the method doesn’t work, let’s try another. (since, because)
  4. I remember seeing her ________ last year. (sometime, sometimes)
  5. I wish I could swim ________ you. The twins are dressed ________. (like, alike )
参考答案:1.allow2.However, but 3.Since 4.sometime 5.like; alike
II. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词,缩写词算一词。
  If you don’t work hard, you will __________ ___________ the other students.

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