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高中英语SEFC Book 2A Unit 12 教案

[05-17 02:43:19]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:e underwater plants: These plants oxygenate the water and keep it clean.d For one thing = one reason (for putting plants in the tank) Step 5 . Practice and deep understandinga. FollowingLet the Ss listen and follow the dialogue,then I ask a few pairs to act the scene in front of the class.b. Q。
高中英语SEFC Book 2A Unit 12 教案,标签:九年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com
e       underwater plants:

      These plants oxygenate the water and keep it clean.

d    For one thing = one reason (for putting plants in the tank)


Step 5 .  Practice and deep understanding

a. Following

Let the Ss  listen and follow the dialogue,then I ask a few pairs to act the scene in front of the class.

b. Question

Why should Kate get a large tank to keep the fish in?

(With a bowl, only a small surface area of the water is in contact with the air. So the water does not receive enough oxygen.)

c. Moral lessons

Keeping fish or birds or keeping any other animal can bring us happiness and enjoyment. It can cultivate our healthy hobby. So we must love these animals. They are our good friends. We are living on the eart

《高中英语SEFC Book 2A Unit 12 教案(第4页)》出自:www.89xue.com网
www.89xue.com h happily together.

If the animals die out, it will cause dying out of human being, like the dying out of dinosaur. I mean disappear throughly from the earth. Not only the mankind but also everything in the world. Much more, the earth will also be destroyed. what a horrible thing! We must protect our environments and keep the balance of the nature.


Step 6 Practice Part 2

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