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Water sports

[05-17 02:44:09]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要: & 《Water sports(第2页)》出自:www.89xue.com网www.89xue.comnbsp; He cleaned the room an hour ago,but it's dirty now. (他一小时前打扫过房间,可是现在房间又脏了。) 上面的例子表明:一般过去时说的是过去发生的或已经结束了的动作,它和现在没有直接关系;即使事实上和现在有关系,说话时也不强调这种关系,而只是指出那个动作发生在过去某一时间。而现在完成时,却正要强调过去的动作和现在的关系。 我们可以设计一对对用词相近而动词时态不同的句子,让学生说出它们意思上的差别,以帮助他们弄清现在完成时的含义以及。
Water sports,标签:九年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

《Water sports(第2页)》出自:www.89xue.com网
www.89xue.com nbsp; He cleaned the room an hour ago,but it's dirty now. (他一小时前打扫过房间,可是现在房间又脏了。)



  1)The teacher has written some new words on the blackboard.
    The teacher wrote some new words on the blackboard.

  2) I’ve just washed my clothes.
    I washed my clothes before supper.

   2.英语动词的现在完成时态是由助动词have(has)+ 动词的过去分词构成的。规则动词的过去分词和它的过去式相同,即在原形后加-(-d)。可参考教参上的不规则动词的过分分词分类,以便记忆.

  can could may might must must will would shall should





  1) Have they cleaned the room?
    Yes, they've already cleaned it.
    When did they clean it?
    They cleaned it an hour ago.

   2) She has gone to London, hasn't she?
    Yes, she has.
    How did she go there?
    She went there by plane.

  3) Have you got Kate's phone call?
    Yes, I've just got it.
    What did she say?
    She wanted me to ask you to call back.




  I. What sports do you like best?
  What is the surfing like?
  Where did surfing first start?
  o Why is Waikiki one of the best beaches for surfing in Honolulu?
  o Who surfs three times a day if possible?
  o How does Jake Booth make a living in Honolulu?
  o When does he go surfing every day?

  1) Have they cleaned the room?
    Yes, they've already cleaned it.
    When did they clean it?
    They cleaned it an hour ago.

  2) She has gone to London, hasn't she?
    Yes, she has.
    How did she go there?
    She went there by plane.

  3) Have you got Kate's phone call?
    Yes, I've just got it.
    What did she say?
    She wanted me to ask you to call back.


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