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英语教案-上学期 Unit 6 Mainly revision

[05-17 02:49:50]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:制作复习提纲要求学生根据前五个单元的内容,各个小组制作一份复习提纲和复习的练习题。实施方案:1. 布置任务,使学生充分明确老师的意图;2. 各个学习小组分头进行,包括收集材料,进行筛选,加工,合成。3. 各小组之间进行交流;相互学习,取长补短;4. 班内评选,全班公布结果。同学可以任意选取一份优秀的复习资料作为自己的复习提纲。设计对话给出某天电视节目单,让每对学生都根据所示的时间和节目设计对话,并演示他们的设计。 TV PROGRAMMES(节目)Channel (频道) 1Channel 218:00 Children’s programme18:15 。
英语教案-上学期 Unit 6 Mainly revision,标签:九年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com




  1. 布置任务,使学生充分明确老师的意图;

  2. 各个学习小组分头进行,包括收集材料,进行筛选,加工,合成。

  3. 各小组之间进行交流;相互学习,取长补短;

  4. 班内评选,全班公布结果。




                            TV PROGRAMMES(节目)

Channel (频道)  1

Channel  2

18:00 Children’s programme

18:15 English classroom

18:30 Learning to use computers

19:00 TV play

19:00 News

20:30 Sports

19:30 Weather report

21:10 Foreign arts

20:00 Popular music

22:00 Animal world

21:00 Talk show

23:05 Only in China

22:30 Around the world

23:40 On TV next week


  A: You want to listen the weather information after learning to use computer, how long do you have to wait?

  B: I must wait half an hour.

  A: How can I watch the football match today?

  B: You’d better watch the Sports progaramme at 20:30 on Channel 2.


  教师给出关于介绍Jacques Cousteau生平的阅读文章,让学生在指定的时间内快速阅读,读后马上回答问题:

  1. What has Jacques Cousteau done for the world and human being?

  2. What is Jacques Cousteau good at or expert in?

Jacques Cousteau

Jacques-Yves was born in Saint-Andre-de-Dubzac, France, to Daniel and Elizabeth Cousteau on June 11, 1910. Cousteau always loved the water and in his early teens, he became interested in machines. At the age of 11, Cousteau built a model crane and at 13, he built a battery-operated(电池操作) car. Also in his early teens, Cousteau became fascinated(着迷) with films. He saved his money and bought a home movie camera.

In high school, Cousteau became bored with school and began to cause trouble. As a result, his parents sent him to a strict boarding school. Cousteau excelled in this new environment and upon graduation(毕业), he entered the Ecole Navale (Naval Academy) in Brest. In 1933, Cousteau joined the French Navy as a gunnery(射击) officer. It was during this time that he began his underwater explorations and began working on a breathing machine for longer dives.

In 1937, Cousteau married Simone Melchoir, and they had two sons, Jean-Michel and Phillipe. Two years after their marriage, Cousteau fought for the French in World War II. He spent time as a spy and was awarded several medals(奖章). During the war, Cousteau still found time to continue his underwa

《英语教案-上学期 Unit 6 Mainly revision(第6页)》出自:www.89xue.com网
www.89xue.com ter work. In 1943, he and French engineer Emile Gagnan perfected the aqualung(水中呼吸器), which allowed a diver to stay underwater for several hours. Divers used the aqualung to located and remove enemy mines after World War II.

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