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union2 Casptain Cook lession7-8

[05-17 03:01:30]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:They wre struck (down)by the illness.Step3 Practice Finish off the Exx in the Sb and Wb.Step4 Grammar (the V–ing Form)1.In summer we enjoy_______ under the big trees, playing cards together. A. sitting B. to sit C. seated D. seating 2.I regret______ unable to help you. A. to be B. that I can 。
union2 Casptain Cook lession7-8,标签:高三英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

They wre struck (down)by the illness.

Step3 Practice           Finish off the Exx in the Sb and Wb.

Step4 Grammar (the V–ing Form)

1.In summer we enjoy_______ under the big trees, playing cards together.

  A. sitting  B. to sit  C. seated  D. seating 

2.I regret______ unable to help you.

  A. to be  B. that I can be  C. being  D. for being

3.I think it no use _____a lot without _______ anything.

  A. talking, doing  B. to talk, do  C. talked, doing  D. talking, being done

4. He was praised for_______ the little girl out of the river.

  A. help  B. to help  C. having helped  D. being helped

5.How about_____ to the concert with us?

  A. to go  B. go  C. going  D. gone

6.He was lucky that he escaped _______.

  A. to punish  B. being punished  C. punishing  D. to be punished

7.I didn’t feel like _____, so I suggested______ a walk.

  A.to work, to take  B. working, taking  C. to work, taking  D. working,taking 

8.I have not got used ______in the center of the city.

  A.live  B. living  C. to live  D. to living

9.When I heard the hero’s report, I could not help ______.

  A. to be moved  B. being moved  C. moving  D. to move

10.This problem has been settled. It______ any more.

  A. needs discussing B. needs to be discussed C. needn’t being discussed D.doesn’t need discussing

Key: 1---5 ACACC 6---10 BBDBD

Do Ex2&3 on p11 of the Sb.  Do Ex4&5 on p11 of the Sb.

Step5 homework

教学设计方案Lesson 8

Step1 Listening practice.
Some of the (sailors) on the ship had special jobs.The captain of the boat had a lot of (power). He could order sailors to be kept in chains or (beaten) if they did not (obey) his orders. The master’s job was to set the (course) for the ship by the sun and the stars. There was a doctor on board who (treated) the men’s ilnesses and wounds . the gunner looked after the guns an

《union2 Casptain Cook lession7-8》出自:www.89xue.com网
www.89xue.com d the iron balls for the guns. A wood worker stopped any (holes) in the sides of the ship and carried out any necessary (repairs) to the woodwork , the sailmaker repaired sails and made new sails when necesssary. Another sailor was in (charge) of the ship’s stores and gave the sailors their orders. The (cook) did the cooking.
Step2 Writing a composition:Ex3 on page12.


You are going to write an article about Captain Cook for the school newspaper. Interview a student to get as much information about him as possible, especially what he did during the expedition in 1769.
2.: Discussion
In groups of four, discuss the following topics.
Topic 1 What do you need to take with you when you go for a very long sea journey?
Topic 2 After learning the text, what do you think you can learn from Captain Cook?

《union2 Casptain Cook lession7-8(第2页)》出自:www.89xue.com网

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