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union2 Casptain Cook lession7-8

[05-17 03:01:30]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:90
摘要: 教学设计方案Lesson 7Step1 RevisionCheck the Ss’ homework.Step2 Reading (scanning) Ask the Ss to find more information about Cook’s expedition in 1769 PLACE TIME FOR STAYING WHAT THEY DID1.Tahiti 3 happy months watch the planet Venus crossing in 。
union2 Casptain Cook lession7-8,标签:高三英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

教学设计方案Lesson 7

Step1 Revision

Check the Ss’ homework.

Step2 Reading (scanning) Ask the Ss to find more information about Cook’s expedition in 1769


1.Tahiti                 3 happy months           watch the planet Venus crossing in

                                                     front of the sun

2. New Zealand      6 months   charted the coasts of the 2 islands

3. Australia                        mapped the east coast/ landed in Botany

                                               Bay/found Australia to be an

                                               Astonishing land            

4.between the mainland and the       struck a coral bed,                          notdied/saved     

 Great Barrier Reef                themselves

5. island of Java                                   passed close by….

6. the southern point of Africa                        in July 1771,succeeded in…

Step3:language points:

1.  watch sb doing :观看某人正在做某事。

They were able to watch the planet Venus crossing in front of the sun.

2.Head south: head:名词活用为动词,是现代英语的一个潮流。比如本课中:land safely, name sb……

3. celebrate和 congratulate

celebrate "庆祝".如:celebrate a victory, 名词是 celebration. In celebration of , hold a celebration.  congratulate “祝贺"其用法是congratulate sb. on/upon sth. 名词常用复数形式congratulations.例如:The whole country celebrated Cook’s return.

4.jump about:向四处跳,about: 向四处

5.tear:(tore,torn)to pull apart or into pieces by force.

6.strike(struck,struck):to hit

The ship struck a coral bed,which tore a large hole in the side of the ship .

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