unin5 Advertise lession17-18
[05-17 03:02:00] 来源:http://www.89xue.com 高三英语教案 阅读:90次
摘要:6.Isn’t it time you made someone’s life a bit easier?你难道不早该让某些人的生活过得更舒服些吗?It’s time sb.did sth.“是某人早该干某事的时候了。”It’s time we had our supper.我们早就该吃晚饭了。Is It time you got things ready?是你把一切准备好的时候了?Step 6. Note makingSB Page 27 Part 2 Putting down some key words is enough. This part can be done very quickly.Step。
unin5 Advertise lession17-18,标签:高三英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com
《unin5 Advertise lession17-18(第3页)》出自:www.89xue.com网
6.Isn’t it time you made someone’s life a bit easier?
It’s time sb.did sth.“是某人早该干某事的时候了。”
It’s time we had our supper.我们早就该吃晚饭了。
Is It time you got things ready?是你把一切准备好的时候了?
Step 6. Note making
SB Page 27 Part 2 Putting down some key words is enough. This part can be done very quickly.
Step 5. An advertisement
SB Page 27 Part 3( Also, an easy exercise. Pass it quickly.)
Step6. Homework:
1. Recite paragraph 4. 2. Try to design an advertisement.
《unin5 Advertise lession17-18(第3页)》出自:www.89xue.com网
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