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unin11 The merchant of Venice教学目标

[05-17 03:02:49]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:The queen desires that you should come at once. 女王要你立刻前来。He desires for reading. 他渴望读书。2.辨析 make a promise, consent 与permit;三词同表示“同意,允许”,但有细微的差别。make a promise常常是积极、主动自己约定的。He has made a promise to give a performance.他许诺作一次表演。consent表示由他人请求而后同意的。Anne’s father consented to her marrying a foreigner.安妮的父亲允许她嫁给外。
unin11 The merchant of Venice教学目标,标签:高三英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

  The queen desires that you should come at once. 女王要你立刻前来。

  He desires for reading. 他渴望读书。

  2.辨析  make a promise, consent 与permit;


  make a promise常常是积极、主动自己约定的。

  He has made a promise to give a performance.他许诺作一次表演。


  Anne’s father consented to her marrying a foreigner.安妮的父亲允许她嫁给外国人。

  permit表示允许他人干某事。如:Circumstances don’t permit me to help you. 情况不许可我帮助你。

  3.辨析comfort 与console:



  I don’t know how to comfort her. 我不知道怎样安慰她才好。


  Our music consoled the widow. 我们的音乐使那寡妇得到安慰。

  The music consoled the broken-hearted girl. 音乐安慰了这伤心欲绝的女孩。

  4. 辨析at sea, in the sea, on the sea, by sea

  at sea 意为“在海上”,“在航海中”,或“茫然不知所措”;in the sea意为“在海里”;on the sea意为“在海面上”;by sea意味“乘船”,“走海路”。如:

  He was born at sea. 她是在海上出生的。

  I was at sea when I began my new job.


  Dare you swim in the sea? 你敢在海里游泳吗?

  They had a good time when they sailed on the Mediterranean Sea.


  We are planning to go to new York by sea.


《unin11 The merchant of Venice教学目标(第2页)》出自:www.89xue.com网

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