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  • 名称:直接引语和间接引语练习
  • 类型:八年级英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:07-06 01:56:37
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:6734
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:0 Bytes
  • 推荐度:3 星级



1. “You should be more careful next time,” his father said to him.

2. Mr.Wang said,“I will leave for Shanghai on business next month, children”

3. “I haven’t heard from my parents these days,” said Mary.

4. The geography teacher said to us, “The moon moves around the earth and the earth goes   round the sun.”

5. She said to him, “It’s time that you left here.”

6. Zhang Hong said to me, “Doctor Wang passed away in 1948.”

7. John said to his parents, “I had learned 500 Chinese words by the end of  last term.”

8. The history teacher said to them, “The Chinese Communist Party was founded on July 1st , 1921.”

9. He said, “Are you a student?”

10. “Have you anything interesting I can read, George?” she said.

11. “She’s here to ask for help, isn’t she?” he asked.

12. “Where are you going?” the father asked his son.

13. “Are you sorry for what you have done?”the mother asked the naughty boy.

14. She said, “Did you meet this man at the station two hours ago, Mr. Li?”

15. “Write your names on your papers first,” the teacher said to us.

16. “Please come here again tomorrow,” her friend said to her.

17. “Let me pack the parcel for you,” he said.

18. “Don’t make so much noise in class, boys and girls,” said the teacher.

19. “What a lovely day it is!”

20. “Happy New Year to you!” he said.


1. I told him that I had lost my money and that I would find it.

2. She asked whether I would be free the next day or not.

3. I asked her where she was going and what she was going to do the next day.

4. His father told him not to climb that high tree in his new coat.

5. The stranger asked me what my name was.

6. She said that she would finish her work the next day.

7. The teacher asked if we could do it.

8. The commander ordered his men not to cross the river before dawn.

9. My teacher asked whether he was coming.

10. The scientist asked me what I was doing.


1. His father told him that he should be more careful the next time.
2. Mr. Wang told the children that he would leave for Shanghai on business the next month.
3. Mary said that she hadn’t heard from her parents those days.
4. The geography teacher told us that the moon moves around the earth and the earth goes round the sun.
5. She told him that it was time that he left there.
6. Zhang Hong told me that Doctor Wang passed away in 1948.
7. John told his parents that he had learned 500 Chinese words by the end of last term.
8. The history teacher told them that the Chinese Communist Party was founded on July 1st, 1921.
9. He asked whether I was a student.
10. She asked George if he had anything interesting she could read.
11. He asked whether she was there to ask for help or not.
12. The father asked his son where he was going.
13. The mother asked the naughty boy if he was sorry for what he had done.
14. She asked Mr. Li whether he had met that man at the station two hours before.
15. The teacher told us to write our names on our papers first.
16. Her friend asked her to go there again the next/ following day.
17. He offered to pack the parcel for me.
18. The teacher told the boys and girls not to make so much noise in class.
19. He/ She exclaimed that it was really a lovely day.
20. He wished me a Happy New Year.

1. I said to him, “I have lost my money . I will find it.”
2. She asked , “ You will be free tomorrow, won’t you?”
3. I asked her, “Where are you going and what are you going to do tomorrow?”
4. His father said, “Don’t climb this high tree in your new coat.”
5. The stranger asked, “ What’s your name?”
6. “I’ll finish my work tomorrow,” she said.
7. The teacher asked, “Can you do it ?”
8. The commander ordered his men, “Don’t cross the river before dawn.”
9. My teacher asked, “Is he coming?”
10.  The scientist asked me, “What are you doing?”

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