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高二英语下册Unit15 教案

[07-12 20:27:13]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高二英语教学设计   阅读:9381
摘要: 5. The beach is very far away from the centre of Rio. F 6. Copacabana is known as the "King of the sea" F 7. The best time to visit Rio is in July and August. F 8. Lots of visitors leave Rio feeling disappointed.F 9. The Carnival is a seven-day festival. F 10. The finest and most 。
高二英语下册Unit15 教案,标签:高二英语教学设计方案,http://www.89xue.com
    5. The beach is very far away from the centre of Rio. F
    6. Copacabana is known as the "King of the sea" F
    7. The best time to visit Rio is in July and August. F
    8. Lots of visitors leave Rio feeling disappointed.F
    9. The Carnival is a seven-day festival. F
    10. The finest and most challenging place for skiing is Rio De Janeiro F
    11. A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for the eyes. T
    12. If you have never skied before, you had better not go to Kitzbuhel. F
    Destination Rio De Janeiro Kitzbuhel
    Country  Brazil
    Location Along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean
    Southern Austria
    People Big hearts and friendliness
    Attractions  Modern malls, theme
    parks, beautiful beaches,
    old buildings and churches,
    dance halls, tall office buildings Ski slopes, winter sports, old village culture, entertainment
    Best time to visit  June or July, but also March(Carnival)  Winter

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