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Integrating skill教案

[07-12 20:27:17]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高二英语教学设计   阅读:9614
摘要: Travel light Take a smaller bag T3: Reading the text aloud to get beter understanding then do the Exercises. Exe.1: T or F 1. While traveling abroad, you can take only credit cards with you. F 2. It's important to keep your money and passport safe, or you will be into trouble. T 3. 。
Integrating skill教案,标签:高二英语教学设计方案,http://www.89xue.com
    Travel light
    Take a smaller bag
    T3: Reading the text aloud to get beter understanding then do the Exercises.
    Exe.1: T or F
    1. While traveling abroad, you can take only credit cards with you. F
    2. It's important to keep your money and  passport safe, or you will be into trouble. T
    3. Don't forget to make exact copies of all important documents before leaving. T
    4. During holiday you can buy foreign currency from strangers on the street for it is cheaper. F
    5. It is a good idea to visit all the sights in a hurry. F
    6. Plan a pleasant and interesting and comfortable trip. Travel light if possible. T
    Exe.2: Rewrite the story
    Before you go ,try to make a plan. Get information about your destination and compare prices.
    Ask a travel agent to help you to find out package trips that include hotel_costs, tours and entrance tickets and to choose between different alternatives
    Use credit cards and travelers cheques instead of cash.It is usually cheaper to buy foreign currency in your own home country.And it is better to go to banks to exchang money
    Make photocopies of all important documents before you leave.
    Give yourself some time for rest and relaxation. Plan before you pack, and bring what you need.
    Language points of the text:

不错哦     1.avoid  vt  避免,逃避
    eg: He stopped the car in time and avoided an   accident.   (避免了一起事故)
    avoid  doing sth. 避免做某事
    eg:  He avoided answering my questions
    If human beings had been a bit less greedy and cruel, more birds and animals D   dying out.
    A:Ought to avoid B. could have been avoided C. Should have avoided  D. might have avoided
    2. budget  n.预算, 开支, 专款
    自助旅行      budget traveling
    政府开支      government  budget
    v. The government should ~ for the following year.
    3.package trips  包办旅行
    4.prefer to do  A  rather than do  B;  与B 相比更喜欢做 A…
    eg: He preferred to stay at home today rather than
    go to the cinema.
    5.Seasoned travelers have learnt what they must bring and what they can leave at home. 并列宾语从句
    seasoned  adj. 有经验的, 训练有素的
    eg: 有经验的水手  a seasoned sailor
    Seasoned soldiers know what to do in this kind of situation.

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