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第五册Teaching Design for JEFC SB3 Lesson 41

[05-17 02:45:24]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:2.Get Ss to talk about Tree-Planting Day in groups using the information they have searched 引起学生注意,导入新课学会互交信息 教学步骤和内容设计思想Step IV Listening Listen to the tape for Part 1, then read it aloud and answer Qs:What are the Ss going to do tomorrow?Where are they going to plant trees?听后回答问题,训练学生集中注意。
第五册Teaching Design for JEFC SB3 Lesson 41,标签:九年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

2.Get Ss to talk about Tree-Planting Day in groups using the information they have searched







Step IV  Listening

 Listen to the tape for Part 1, then read it aloud and answer Qs:

What are the Ss going to do tomorrow?

Where are they going to plant trees?


Step V Presentation (投影)

 Present steps of planting a tree with pictures and show out the following steps

  1.Dig a hole    2.Knock a stick   3.Put the tree in the hole

  4.Put back the earth and push it down hard  5. tie the tree to the stick

  6.Water the tree



《第五册Teaching Design for JEFC SB3 Lesson 41(第2页)》出自:www.89xue.com网
www.89xue.com Step VI  Drills----Drill the six steps of how to plant a tree

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