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First aid

[05-17 02:57:00]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高二英语教案   阅读:90
摘要: 教学目标Teaching aims通过本单元的教学,学生了解有关急救的常识,在生活中如何处理一些突发事件,然后实施紧急救护等总结,归纳情态动词的用法,如:should/shouldn’t; must/mustn’t ;ought to等表示义务和责任的用法。Teaching important and difficult points1.Wordsknee, still, bite (bit, bitten/bit), lay (laid, laid), mouth-to-mouth, bum, cut, electric, container pool, breathe, within,。
First aid,标签:高二英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com


Teaching aims
  通过本单元的教学,学生了解有关急救的常识,在生活中如何处理一些突发事件,然后实施紧急救护等总结,归纳情态动词的用法,如:should/shouldn’t; must/mustn’t ;ought to等表示义务和责任的用法。
Teaching important and difficult points
knee, still, bite (bit, bitten/bit), lay (laid, laid), mouth-to-mouth, bum, cut, electric, container pool, breathe, within, handkerchief, wound, safety, wire, guard, sideway, firm, firmly wherever, stomach, injure, injured, injury, poison, quantity, nearby
first aid, ought to, medical care, by mistake, pay attention to, in a short while, deal with, take it easy, running water, out of one’s reach, throw up, hold up
3. Useful expressions
We must carry her to the side of the road.
You mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt.
Parents should know some first aid.
You shouldn’t get up if you are badly hurt.
I ought to go home.
I have to cook supper for my grandmother.
4. Grammar
Revise Modal Verbs : must, should
Study Modal Verb: ought to





  教师布置学生写作的题目及要求,教师给学生几分钟时间进行讨论,教师给学生一些关键的词语,如:breathe, First Aid Centre, handkerchief, mouth-to mouth so on.之后,教师给学生十分钟左右时间开始写,最后教师请几位同学朗读,教师给予讲评。


  本单元是围绕First aid, Safety in the home,展开话题。对话课中描述两个学生在街上看到一个女孩从自行车上摔下来的经过,同时对话中使用了情态动词的用法,课文中附有图片和口语练习,帮助学生了解急救的重要性及有关的常识。


1. What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake? 假如有人误喝了毒药,你怎么办?

  by mistake是固定词组,意为“错误地”,“无心地(做错了事)”。例如:

  She put salt in her cup of coffee by mistake.她错将盐放入咖啡里了。

2. do with,deal with


  但是用于特殊疑问句的时候do with与what连用;deal with则与how连用。例如:


  另外,do with还可表达别的意思。例如:

  What did you do with my umbrella? (=Where did you put my umbrella?)


  What are we to do with this naughty boy? (=How are we to deal with this naughty boy?) 我们该怎样处置这个顽皮的男孩?

3. knock at, knock down & knock into的区别

knock at 指“敲打门窗”

  I heard someone knocking at the door.我听见有人敲门。

  Tom tried knocking at the window.汤姆试着敲了敲窗户。

knock down 指“……撞倒”

  He nearly knocked me down at the corner.在拐角处,他几乎把我撞倒。

  He was knocked down by a car.  他被汽车撞倒了。          

knock into 指“碰倒,撞上某人”,也可指“偶然碰见”。

  The child knocked into the teacher.那孩子撞到了老师身上。

  He knocked into the chair in the dark.黑暗中他撞在了椅子上。

  He didn't expect to knock into some of his friends here.他没有想到在这儿遇见一些朋友。

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