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[07-12 20:16:29]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  七年级英语教学设计   阅读:9644
摘要: StepIV Listening 1. Present some questions on the blackboard . Does Eddie want to go shopping with Hobo? Why does Hobo ask Eddie to go with him ? 2. Play the tape of comic strip and deal with the questions. StepV Reading Boys are Eddie, and girls are Hobo. Read together. StepVI A。
    StepIV  Listening
    1.  Present some questions on the blackboard .
    Does Eddie want to go shopping with Hobo?
    Why does Hobo ask Eddie to go with him ?
    2.  Play the tape of comic strip and deal with the questions.
    StepV  Reading
    Boys are Eddie, and girls are Hobo. Read together.
    StepVI  Act out
    1. Give Ss several minutes to prepare the role-play.
    2. Choose several pairs to the front to act it out.
    StepVII  Homework 
    1 Review the words and  phrases .
    2 Recite Part B .
    3.Make a conversation with the sentences :
    can I help you ?
    I want to buy ﹍
    It 's  too small /big .
    What about ﹍?
    How much ﹍?
    I 'l take /buy this .

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