高中英语必修一 U2 English around the world 教学设计(II)
4. Questioning
In groups, the idea is to generate lots of questions about the topic. This helps students focus upon audience as they consider what the reader needs to know. The answers to these questions will form the basis to the composition.
5. Discussing and debating
The teacher helps students with topics, helping them develop ideas in a positive and encouraging way.
II. Focusing ideas
1. Fast writing
The students write quickly on a topic for five to ten minutes without worrying about correct language or punctuation. Writing as quickly as possible, if they cannot think of a word they leave a space or write it in their own language. The important thing is to keep writing. Later this text is revised.
2. Group compositions
Working together in groups, sharing ideas. This collaborative writing is especially valuable as it involves other skills (speaking in particular).
3. Changing viewpoints
A good writing activity to follow a role-play or storytelling activity. Different students choose different points of view and think about /discuss what this character would write in a diary, witness statement, etc.
4. Varying form
Similar to the activity above, but instead of different viewpoints, different text types are selected. How would the text be different if it were written as a letter, or a newspaper article, etc.
III. Evaluating, structuring and editing
Students take the notes written in one of the pre-writing activities above and organize them. What would come first? Why? Here it is good to tell them to start with information known to the reader before moving onto what the reader does not know.
2. Self-editing
A good writer must learn how to evaluate their own language ─ to improve through checking their own text, looking for errors, structure. This way students will become better writers.
3. Peer Editing and proofreading
Here, the texts are interchanged and the evaluation is done by other students. In the real world, it is common for writers to ask friends and colleagues to check texts for spelling, etc. You could also ask the students to reduce the texts, to edit them, concentrating on the most important information.
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