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必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 第一课时教学安排

[07-12 20:24:55]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高一英语教学设计   阅读:9317
摘要:Warming up第一步:通过问学生一些问题引入本课的话题:1. Who do you think is the most powerful student in you class?(以身边同学为例,引发学生兴趣,调动学生对该话题的讨论积极性)2. What qualities do you think he has? Or can you use some adjectives to describe him/her? (回忆所学过的关于描述人的形容词:honest, humorous, hard-working, quick-minded, co-operative, smart, tall, hands。
必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 第一课时教学安排,标签:高一英语教学设计方案,http://www.89xue.com

Warming up


1. Who do you think is the most powerful student in you class?(以身边同学为例,引发学生兴趣,调动学生对该话题的讨论积极性)

2. What qualities do you think he has? Or can you use some adjectives to describe him/her? (回忆所学过的关于描述人的形容词:honest, humorous, hard-working, quick-minded, co-operative, smart, tall, handsome, easy-going, ready to help others, etc)

3. Can we say that he/she is a great person? Why?(通过讨论,引发学生对伟人所具品质的思考);


Do you love your parents?

Do you always do housework at home?

Are you ready to help others anytime anywhere?

Do you always try your best to get along well with the people around you?

Do you easily give up doing some difficult tasks?


What qualities does your partner have?

Is he/she a great person?

Will he/she be a great person in the future?



第一步:学生合上书本,教师展示一些名人图片,如 Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton 等,让学生猜他们分别是谁;


第三步:学生看书上名人的照片并阅读书上的人物介绍,不懂的地方向老师请教,教师酌情讲解一些词汇,如 principle, fight等;



Great person: has a great idea; always helps others; unselfishly gives up something to achieve his/her goal, etc.

Important person: plays an important role in some field, organizations or great events.


1. Pre-view Reading on page 34;

2. Underline the new words and phrases and some parts you find difficult to understand.

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