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高二英语选修6 模块3 function 教案

[07-12 20:26:54]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高二英语教学设计   阅读:9520
摘要: 37. Do you believe your parents should be your friends? 38. What do you do if you receive a friend's call but you forgot his/her name? 39. Friendship is the most important relationship. Do you agree? Why? Why not? 40. What do you like best about your best friend(s)? 41. What are some w。
高二英语选修6 模块3 function 教案,标签:高二英语教学设计方案,http://www.89xue.com
    37. Do you believe your parents should be your friends?
    38. What do you do if you receive a friend's call but you forgot his/her name?
    39. Friendship is the most important relationship. Do you agree? Why? Why not?
    40. What do you like best about your best friend(s)?
    41. What are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way?
    42. What are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way?
    43. How close do you get to your friends?
    44. Why do you need a friend?
    45. What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?
    46. Do you trust all of your friends? Why?
    47. What is the best time for making new friends?
    48. What was your best friendship?
    49. Are you still friends with him or her?
    50. What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?
    51. What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone special or best friend?
    52. Why are friendships important for you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?
    53. How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what did you have in common?
    54. What are some good opportunities to meet new people?
    55. How can you get to better know a person?
    56. What is the relationship between love and friendship?

不错哦     57. Who is the most interesting person you have ever met?
    58. Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people? Why?
    59. What type of people do you get along with best?
    60. What quality do you admire most in people and which one do you find the most objectionable?
    61. What behavior of others hurts you most?
    62. When you have upset someone by your actions, what do you try to do?
    63. What do you consider to be your good and bad qualities?
    64. What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?
    65. What traits or actions make an interpersonal conflict worse?
    66. Are relationships among people better or worse than a few years ago? Why? Give some examples.
    67. Do you think that dysfunctional family life contributes to worsening relationships in society?
    68. Is getting along with others a natural ability from birth or does it have to be learnt?
    69. How important is forgiveness in human relationships?
    ■Practicing ways of talking about relationships
    Said Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
    A man follows the religion of his friend;
    so each one should consider whom he makes his friend.
    Making new friends Is easier than you may think. To find a friend, first, choose to be a friend.

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