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高二英语选修6 模块3 function 教案

[07-12 20:26:54]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高二英语教学设计   阅读:9520
摘要: If you are wanting new friends, they'll be much easier to find if you can dismiss the idea that you are IN NEED of a friend and be able to change your approach to wanting to BE his or her friend. As the giver, you'll send out an entirely different subliminal message and be pleasantly surprised。
高二英语选修6 模块3 function 教案,标签:高二英语教学设计方案,http://www.89xue.com
    If you are wanting new friends, they'll be much easier to find if you can dismiss the idea that you are IN NEED of a friend and be able to change your approach to wanting to BE his or her friend.
    As the giver, you'll send out an entirely different subliminal message and be pleasantly surprised at how quickly that new friend shows up.
    This is true because if a certain spiritual law that says, "If you need it, you can't have it, but if you don't need it, you can have all you want."
    ● I've known him / her for (six years).
    ● We first met six years ago. I remember (meeting) him/ her for the first time.
    ● We're good/ close/ best friends.
    ● We (don't) get on very well. We (don't) trust each other.
    ● We (sometimes) quarrel.
    ● We see each other (from time to time).
    ● We've lost touch. / we still keep in touch.
    Characteristics of an effective speaker and listener
    *having clarity and confidence to convey a point of view or information;
    *using talk to explore, create, question and revise ideas, recognising language as a tool for learning;
    *being able to work effectively with others in a range of roles;
    *having a varied repertoire of styles, which are used appropriately.

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