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A doctor for animals

[05-17 02:43:27]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:Then, we came to the touching pool. There were some small fish in it and visitors could touched them with their hands softly. And the girl working there explained their names to us. It was not easy to touch them in my life , so I played there for a long time. It was very interesting.At last, when it was nearl。
A doctor for animals,标签:九年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

  Then, we came to the touching pool. There were some small fish in it and visitors could touched them with their hands softly. And the girl working there explained their names to us. It was not easy to touch them in my life , so I played there for a long time. It was very interesting.

  At last, when it was nearly the lunch time, it was the time for another performance of all kinds of fish and a diver. At this time many fish came here for their lunch and the diver gave them their food. The diver was a young beautiful girl and she said Hello to us with her hands. It was difficult for her to feed the fish because some of them were dangerous, especially sharks. I was worried about her all the time, but the girl did it easily and well. We could see that she had become a good friend of sharks and many other animals. We felt very excited and thanked her a lot.

  It was a good visit and it was a good lesson for me, too. People and animals are good friends and we should live together well.

《A doctor for animals(第2页)》出自:www.89xue.com网
www.89xue.com I should learn from the girl feeling fish. Nothing is too difficult if we put our hearts into it. If we have a great goal, we should try to do it well and we will be the winners.






  What kinds of jobs do you know?

  What would you like to be in the future?

  What are your parents' job? 

  Do your parents like their job? Why or why not?



  To be a doctor for animals is very rewarding.

  To help animals is helping people.

  To do what the doctor tells you is important.


  To many people, a pet is like one of the family.


  easy, hard, dangerous, necessary, important, difficult, useful, clever, meaningful, interesting, happy, sad, …


  to help animal

  to go swimming

  to do shopping

  to drink water

  to kill a bird

  to find a lost book

  to climb the hill

  to travel by air


  It's meaningful to help animal.

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