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上学期 Unit 12 Mainly revision

[05-17 02:43:37]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:S2: What about 500?T: Oh, that's too big.S3: How about 250?T: That's quite right. 265.在初中英语第一册和第二册中,我们已经陆续学习了数字的用法,教师可帮助学生回忆它们的念法,并做快速连锁问答。还可就长度、高度、重量等做问答,例如:How long is the Yellow River? How heavy is your bag? How tall/high is that tree?等等。关于词语及对话练习的教学建议本单元的生词大部分出现在阅读课文之中。而针对词汇的练习主要由48课的2和3两部分组成。即构词法。
上学期 Unit 12 Mainly revision,标签:九年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com
  S2: What about 500?
  T: Oh, that's too big.
  S3: How about 250?
  T: That's quite right. 265.
  在初中英语第一册和第二册中,我们已经陆续学习了数字的用法,教师可帮助学生回忆它们的念法,并做快速连锁问答。还可就长度、高度、重量等做问答,例如:How long is the Yellow River? How heavy is your bag? How tall/high is that tree?等等。



  首先,在教学构词法知识时,教师可采取提供部分例词,要求学生通过观察自己总结出构词规则的方式,让学生对构词法知识的认识从感性认识上升到理性认识,从而印象深刻, 记忆牢固。


  复合名词:afternoon basketball bedroom birthday blackboard bookseller bookshop breakfast classmate classroom day-time doorbell Englishman fireplace football gate-keeper gateman grandparents granddaughter grandson handbag headache headmaster headteacher hometown homework housework kilometre know-all loudspeaker mooncake motorbike northeast northwest

  pencil-box penfriend photograph playground policeman postcard railway reading-room shopkeeper southeast southwest spaceship sunrise sunshine teapot teamwork volleyball weekday

  名词变形容词:interesting surprising northern southern woolen


  cleaner driver inventor keeper teacher speaker traveller visitor worker



TV: 1. Programme for Children Radio: 1. Music World
  2. 9—part Series: Family (2) 2. News Report
  3. China Reports 3. Foreign Languages Magazine
  4. Series: Women 4. Window on Chinese History
  5. Chinese Programmes for Foreigners
  6. Music Bridge
  7. Basketball Match (Beijing Vs Henan)


  1) Which TV/radio programme shall we watch/listen to?
  2) Which TV/radio programme do you think is more interesting/enjoyable?
  3) Well, I don't think any of them is interesting/enjoyable.
  4) I think I shall …instead.
  5) Why don't you go and … instead?
  6) Good idea. That is much better than … /…is better than…

1) A: Which TV programme shall we watch? I can't decide.
  B: Which do you think is more interesting?
  A: Well, I think the children’s programme is more enjoyable.
  B: Which channel is it on?
  A: It is usually found on Channel 3. Try that.
  B: I've tried that. But I can't get it.

2) A: What are you doing?
  B: I'm trying to find our favourite TV programme—sports.
  A: Have you got it yet?
  B: No. I don't know which channel it is on.
  A: It must be on Channel 14. Try that.
  B: OK . But this is not sports.
  A: Well, I don't think any of the programmes is interesting. I think I shall  listen to the radio instead. Why don't you join me? It must be more enjoyable.

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