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Asking the way 第一课时教案

[07-12 20:13:38]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  六年级英语教学设计   阅读:9837
摘要:教学内容: B Look ,Read and learn C Look and say 教学目标: 1.能正确地听、说、读、写单词way,get,along, street 和句型Excuse me, can you tell me the way to …,please? 2.能正确地听、说、读单词a middle school, a train station, a shopping centre, a history museum, a post office, a primary school,crossing, turn left /right ,get on /。
Asking the way 第一课时教案,标签:六年级英语教学设计方案,http://www.89xue.com

    B Look ,Read and learn  C Look and say
    1.能正确地听、说、读、写单词way,get,along, street 和句型Excuse me, can you tell me the way to …,please?
    2.能正确地听、说、读单词a middle school, a train station, a shopping centre, a history museum, a post office, a primary school,crossing, turn left /right ,get on /off和句型Go along this street, and then turn … at the … crossing.The …is on your….
    Step 1 Warming up
    2.Listen to a song:Excuse me.
    3.Play a game:Liste and do
    Stand up. Sit down. Put up your hands. Put down your hands. Open your books.Close your books.Turn left. Turn right. Get on. Get off.
    (设计意图:听音做动作,通过教师带领学生一起有节奏地做有关活动的动作,以旧引新,引出要学习的Turn left. Turn right. Get on. Get off.在活动的过程中调动学生的各个感觉器官,利用眼、耳、口、手实现全身动作反应,加深对语言材料的理解、学习、记忆。)
    Step 2 Presentation and practice
    (1)出示课件,半幅购物中心的图片,让学生猜测这是什么,学习单词:a shopping centre
    (2)师:There are many things in the shopping centre.I want to buy a new bag for my mother. But where’s the shopping centre?  Can you tell me the way to the shopping centre?(板书,教读,让学生明白其意思)
    学生回答这个问题,师总结:Oh, you don’t know the way. It doesn’t matter.I have a map.I think I can find it.  Today ,let’s learn “Unit 3 Asking the way”.
    (1)师指导学生沿着shopping centre所在的那条路线看图,学习单词及词组。
    T:Please look at the map, this is a shopping centre. What is this? It’s a middle school.引出并学习a middle school
    T:Look,the shopping centre and the middle school are in the same street. 学习单词street
    T:In this street,there are some crossings.Look, this is the first crossing. 学习单词及词组crossing, the first/second/… crossing
    (2)师接着描述:Go along this street,you’ll find a primary school on your right and a post office on your left.借助课件及手势理解这个句子,然后学习其中的along,a primary school,a post office,on your right/ left。
    (3)通过课件动态的呈现,学习单词a history museum,a train station .

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