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Unit 5 Canada—“The True North” 第二课时 泛读课

[07-12 20:26:00]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高二英语教学设计   阅读:9333
摘要: 第七步 诗歌欣赏 1. It is a poem of love for the natural world which the native people of Canada live in. Read the poem on page 75 on their own and then follow the tape trying to imitate it and appreciate it. Pay attention to the rhythm. 2. Are there some things in your life that make your“heart soar”。
Unit 5 Canada—“The True North” 第二课时 泛读课,标签:高二英语教学设计方案,http://www.89xue.com


第七步  诗歌欣赏


1.  It is a poem of love for the natural world which the native people of Canada live in. Read the poem on page 75 on their own and then follow the tape trying to imitate it and appreciate it. Pay attention to the rhythm.


2.  Are there some things in your life that make your“heart soar”?  (Share your experiences with your partner.)


Guess the meanings of the new words from the context if necessary.


fragrance:  n.  sweet or pleasing smell.

faintness:  n.  being weak and not clear.

summit:  n.  highest point, top.

salmon:  n.  large fish, valued for food.

soar:  v.  fly or go up high in the air.


第八步  作业布置



1. Go over the text, and underline the useful words and expressions.


2. Recite the new words (from figure to broad).


3. Finish Exercise 1 in Using words and expressions on page 70.

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