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I was not here yesterday

[05-17 02:23:42]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:(3)Dictation要求学生写出下列动词的过去式:do, have, am/is, are, go.Step 2 PresentationPre-read. (1)让学生思考下面几个问题并进行回答:What do you want to do in the future? Why? Is it a busy job?Do you want to be a businessman/businesswoman?What do you think of the job of a businessman/businesswoman? Are they usually very busy?(2)教师自然引入新课:我们来。
I was not here yesterday,标签:八年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

  (3)Dictation要求学生写出下列动词的过去式:do, have, am/is, are, go.

  Step 2 Presentation



  What do you want to do in the future? Why? Is it a busy job?

  Do you want to be a businessman/businesswoman?

  What do you think of the job of a businessman/businesswoman? Are they usually very busy?

  (2)教师自然引入新课:我们来讨论书上的三个问题。鼓励学生提出自己的不同见解。针对大家的观点,我们来看一看Lily’s uncle是怎样的一个商人。

  Read the text: My uncle

  1. Ask the Ss to go over the passage in a silent way and answer some questions.

  What’s Lily’s uncle?

  What’s his job? Is he very busy?

  Where does he work?

  Where was he last Monday /three days ago/the day before yesterday/yesterday/last night? →Writing of Ex.3

  2. Listen and repeat

  3. Name the places Uncle Mike travels to.

  先标出旅游下列地点的时间,再将下列地点按Uncle Michael Wilson旅行的时间先后的顺序进行排列。A. Taipei B. Shanghai C. Dalian. D. Hong Kong E. New York F. Tokyo

  4. Suppose you were Lily, say something about your uncle.

  Step3 Drill

  (1)扑克组句游戏:教师须准备几种单词卡片,分别是主语,be动词或be动词的过去式,介词,时间状语(包括表示现在时间的和表示过去时间的状语),疑问词,标点。教师可以将学生每五人分成一组。组员每人手里抓完张单词卡后,开始轮流出牌,出牌时每个人须将出的牌组成通顺的句子,例如:甲:I 乙:am 丙:in 丁:Shanghai.先出完手中牌的同学为胜。


  Step 4 Exercises in class

    1) Make up sentences:

  1. sell, my uncle, many countries, to, computers.

  2. every day, have, meetings, he

  3. go to, come to, visit, people, see, him.

  4. usually, work, he, quickly

  5. the day before yesterday, be, in, Hong Kong, Mike.

  6. three days ago, he, in, be, Tokyo


  1. My uncle sells computers to many countries.

  2. He has meetings every day.

  3. He goes to visit people and people come to see him.

  4. He usually works quickly.

  5. Mike was in Hong Kong the day before yesterday.

   6. He was in Tokyo three days ago.

  2) Fill in the blanks with the proper form of verb “be”.

  1. What day ______ it yesterday?

  2. Her parents ______ in England last month.

  3. ______ your aunt a bookseller? Yes, she is.

  4. There ______ a class meeting next Friday afternoon.

  5. He must ______ a doctor.

  6. Here ______ some orange for you.

  Answers: 1.was 2.were 3.Is 4.will be 5.be

  Step 5 Homework

  1.Copy the new words and the phases.


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