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I was not here yesterday

[05-17 02:23:42]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:目的:练习一般过去时的运用,叙述一件过去发生的事情用一般过去时。Ask students to talk about how to spend their National Day and ask a few students to talk about their interesting day during the holiday.教师可以先设计几个问题让学生进行分组进行讨论。(1)What did you do last Sunday? (2)Where were you three days ago? (3)Where were you two days ago?(4)Who went with you?。
I was not here yesterday,标签:八年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com


  Ask students to talk about how to spend their National Day and ask a few students to talk about their interesting day during the holiday.


  (1)What did you do last Sunday?

  (2)Where were you three days ago?

  (3)Where were you two days ago?

  (4)Who went with you?

  (5)Why did you go there?

  (6)Were there a lot of people?

  (7)Did you like it?

  (8)Was it very interesting?


《I was not here yesterday》出自:www.89xue.com网

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