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I was not here yesterday

[05-17 02:23:42]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:3. I had lunch outside three days ago.4. Kate was calling her sister last night. 5. The students were in the playroom a moment ago.VI. Homework 1.Wb2. Make a dialogue like the one in the book.3. Remember past form of verbs.VII. The design of the blackboard Lesson 31Where was Mr. King yesterday morning? He 。
I was not here yesterday,标签:八年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

  3. I had lunch outside three days ago.

  4. Kate was calling her sister last night.

      5. The students were in the playroom a moment ago.

  VI. Homework


  2. Make a dialogue like the one in the book.

  3. Remember past form of verbs.

  VII. The design of the blackboard

Lesson 31

Where was Mr. King yesterday morning?

He was at the office.

Where were the twins half an hour ago?

They were at school.


Lesson 32教学设计方案

  Teaching Objectives: Develop the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. And revise the whole unit.

  Properties: Tape recorder, overhead projector

  Language Focus:


  Teaching Procedures:

  Ⅰ. Revision

  1. Ask the Ss to say out the dialogue they made after class.

  2. Dictation: past form of verbs

  am, is  buy  find  have  meet  see   stand

  are   come  get   hold  put   sell  swim

  become cut   give   know read  sing  take

  begin  do   go   leave  run  speak  teach

  bring  drive  grow  lose  say   spend write tell

  II. Listening

  1. Spelling and pronunciation.

  (1) Ask Ss to summarize the letter combination with the sound and give example words


  (2) Read the phonetics and words in the book

  (3) Listen and repeat

  2. Listening practice.

  (1) The lst time: listen and get the main idea

  (2) The 2nd time: listen and answer the questions on Page 116

  (3) Check the answers

  (4) The 3rd time: listen and check again

  Ⅲ. Speaking

  1. Listen to the dialogue and retell.

  2. Listen again and ask the Ss to answer some questions.

  What’s the weather like today?

  Why did Lucy call her uncle, Mike?

  3. (Open books) Read after the tape.

  4. Talk about the language points: much/a little/even/a lot of + the comparative form of adjectives + than.

  Teacher: It’s much/a lot easier than before to contact her because she has an e-mail address.

  It’s even hotter than yesterday, so let’s just stay in the cool room.

  5. Pairwork: ask Ss to make similar dialogues, using the words in the box.

  6. Say dialogues in front of the class.

  IV. Reading

  1. Pre-reading.

  (Suppose the business man is Uncle Mike) Do you still remember Lucy’s Uncle, Mike? In the last period, we know he’s a very busy businessman.

  He travels a lot in the world. Today we’ll see what his work is like?

  2. While - reading.

  Ask Ss to read the text by themselves, bearing the following questions in mind:

  (1) When does Mike get up every morning?

  (2) How does he go to work?

  (3) How long does it take to go to work?

  (4) What does he mean by “every minute counts?”

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