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I was not here yesterday

[05-17 02:23:42]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:3. Do Ex.3 on Page 374. Retell the passageThe design of the blackboard 教学设计示例Lesson 31教学设计方案Teaching Objectives: The simple past of action verbs. Time adverbials of simple pastProperties: Tape recorder. Overhead ProjectorLanguage Focus:Last week/night/month a moment ago Yesterday morning just now the day be。
I was not here yesterday,标签:八年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

  3. Do Ex.3 on Page 37

  4. Retell the passage

  The design of the blackboard



Lesson 31教学设计方案

  Teaching Objectives: The simple past of action verbs. Time adverbials of simple past

  Properties: Tape recorder. Overhead Projector

  Language Focus:

  Last week/night/month a moment ago  Yesterday morning just now  the day before yesterday, have-had  half an hour ago, call-called  do-doing

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Revision

  What did you do yesterday /the day before yesterday/last night…?

  II. Leading - in

  Who isn’t here today? Where is he/she?

  Who wasn’t here yesterday?

  Were you here last week?

  Was here on Monday?

  Were and here?

  Help Ss to form the rule: am/is→was   are→were

  III. Ask and answer

  1. Finish Ex. 2 and check.

  2. Ask students to remember time adverbials of simple past.

  last week/night/month  just now = a moment ago …ago  yesterday/the day before yesterday.

  3. Make sentences with the simple past adverbials.

  Teacher: Did you have a party on your birthday last year?

  His grandpa went away just now.

  He saw a film a few days ago.

   Everyone came here yesterday.

  Ⅳ. Read and say

  1. Listen to the dialogue

  2. Ask questions.

  When did Sally call Lucy? Why did she call Lucy?

  Was Lucy at home? Where was she?

  What did Lucy do?

  How did she like Guangdong food?

  What did Lucy and her uncle have for dinner?

  3. Ask students to form rules of past form of some action verbs.

  call—called  do—did   have—had

  4. Listen and repeat.

  5. Make similar dialogues.

  V. Exercises in class

  Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given verbs.

  1. She ____(come) to see me last night.

  2. I____(get) to school late yesterday.

  3. Mary ____(be) born on Apr. 20,1985.

  4. My father____(go) to shanghai on business 3 days ago.

  5. He ____ (leave) here just now.

  Key: 1.came 2.got 3.was 4.went 5.left

  Rewrite the sentences as required.

  1.I am on duty today. (last Friday)

  2. It’s Monday today. (yesterday)

  3. I usually have lunch outside. (three days ago)

  4. Kate is calling her sister now. (last night)

  5.The students are in the playroom now. (a moment ago)

  Answer:  1. I was on duty last Friday.

  2. It was Monday yesterday.

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