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上学期 Unit 6 Mainly revision

[05-17 02:43:57]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:I haven’t bought anything for a week / since you left.我已经有一个礼拜没有买东西了。/自从你离开以后我没有买过任何东西。5. 同学们应当特别注意的是,现在完成时态是一个属于现在时态的范畴,所以它可以和包括“现在时刻”在内的时间状语连用。如:Now, today, this morning / week / month / year, by now, so far, up to now, already, before, just, ever, never, always, recently, lately.等等。如:I have done nothing to。
上学期 Unit 6 Mainly revision,标签:九年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

  I haven’t bought anything for a week / since you left.


  5. 同学们应当特别注意的是,现在完成时态是一个属于现在时态的范畴,所以它可以和包括“现在时刻”在内的时间状语连用。如:

  Now, today, this morning / week / month / year, by now, so far, up to now, already, before, just, ever, never, always, recently, lately.等等。如:

  I have done nothing today.


  We have had four lessons this morning.


  Have you seen her before?


  6.当强调行为的行为时间、执行者、行为方式、行为场所、行为原因时,句中一般用一般过去时,而不用或者很少用现在完成时,间或用现在完成时也是为了强调结果。如:Who did it?   How did he do it?  Why did he do it? Where did he do it? When did he do it?




  不能说:一直买buy/开始begin/借入borrow/到达reach,get to,arrive/参加join,等等。

  可以说:一直有have/进行be on/保管keep/在……组织里be in/是……成员be a+身份


  He has gone there.


  He has been there for two days.


  He has bought a book.


  He has had the book for 3 weeks.


  She has borrowed a dictionary.


  She has kept the dictionary for 2 weeks.




  1. 从两点钟起我就在这里了。

  2. 她已经走了一个礼拜了。

  3. 从上礼拜五他就生病了。

  4. 他参军已经有五年了。

  5. 自从五年前他就在这里了。

参考答案: 《上学期 Unit 6 Mainly revision(第3页)》出自:www.89xue.com网
www.89xue.com >

  1. I have been here since two o’clock.

  2. She has been away for a week.

  3. He has been ill since last Friday.

  4. He has been in the army for five years.

  5. He has lived here since five years ago.


Lesson 21

Period: The First Period

Content: Lesson 21

Properties: Tape recorder, Overhead Projector, TV, pictures.

Teaching Objectives: Make the students use the language point in the dialogues.

  the usage of the present Perfect Tense

Language Focus:

  1. Useful expressions: have an accident; hurt badly;

  2. The present Perfect Tense:

  What’s happened? They’ve had an accident. Has anyone called the police? Yes, they have. Teaching Procedures:

 Ⅰ. Organizing the class

  Ask the students to get ready for class.

  Greetings between the teacher and the students and a duty report.

 Ⅱ. Revision

  1. check homework.

  2. Revise the present perfect Tense. Ask :

  Have you ever been to the Great Wall?

  How long have you lived in Beijing?

  Get the students to answer the questions.

  Make sure they can answer correctly.

 Ⅲ. Presentation

  1. Show a picture of an accident on TV. Get the students to watch and talk about the accident using some words, such as: have an accident, hurt, badly, fall off, hit …

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