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上学期 Unit 6 Mainly revision

[05-17 02:43:57]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:2. Have the students read and practice the dialogues in pairs.3. Ask some students to act out the dialogue.Ⅳ. Puzzle dialogueFind the best answers by themselves. Check the answer with the whole class.Ask the students to make up similar questions, then get the other students to answer them.Ⅴ. Read and act1. As。
上学期 Unit 6 Mainly revision,标签:九年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com

  2. Have the students read and practice the dialogues in pairs.

  3. Ask some students to act out the dialogue.

 Ⅳ. Puzzle dialogue

  Find the best answers by themselves. Check the answer with the whole class.

  Ask the students to make up similar questions, then get the other students to answer them.

 Ⅴ. Read and act

  1. Ask the students to close their books, and then listen to the tape and answer the questions:

  Where have Bruce and Sue gone?

  Haven’t they ever been to London?

  When are they going to be back?

  Have the students find the answer to the question. Check the answer with the class.

  2. Ask the students to read the dialogue, then practice in pairs.

  3. Act out the dialogue.

  4. Allow them to change the dialogue to fit a situation they might have at home.

 Ⅵ. Exercises in class

  Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.

  A: I’m not feeling well. I ________ (get) a cold.

  B: ________ you ________ (be) to the hospital yet?

  A: Yes, I ________ (go) to see Doctor Li this morning and he ________ (give) me some medicine.

  B: ________ you ________ (take) the medicine?

  A: Yes, I ________ (take) it just a moment ago.

  B: Mr. Li is a good doctor. I think you’ll ________ (be) all right soon.

  Answers: have got, Have … been, went, gave, Have … taken, took, be

 Ⅶ. Homework

  Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

 Ⅷ. Summary

  Translate Chinese into English:

  1. 发生什么事情啦?

  2. 有人受伤吗?




  1. What’s happened?

  2. Is anyone hurt?

  3. He has been to Shanghai for several times.

  4. I have finished reading the book.


Lesson 22

Period: The second Period

Content: Lesson 22

Properties: Recorder

Teaching Objectives: Students should grasp the new words and expressions as well as the main idea of the text.

Language Focus:

  1. useful expressions

  2. The object Clause

Teaching procedures:

 Ⅰ. Organizing the class.

  Greetings and a duty report.

 Ⅱ. Revision

  Check homework

  Practice the dialogue of lesson 21

 Ⅲ. Pre-read

  Let the students discuss the questions:

  1. Who was Cousteau?

  2. When was the scuba machine inverted?

  3. Who invented the scuba machine?

  4. What did Cousteau do under the sea?

 Ⅳ. Presentation

  Ask students to close their books and listen to the radio, and then answer questions. Then get the students to listen again and check answers.

 Ⅴ. Reading

  Have the students read the text by themselves.

  Explain some useful expressions: be interested in explore; be surprised to

 Ⅵ. Group work

  Part 3. Discuss the importance of the water.

  Then have the students speak out their ideas.

 Ⅶ. Workbook

  For exercise 2, get the students to discuss the questions in small groups, and write down their ideas.

  For exercise 3, have the students do it orally, and check with the whole class.

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