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高一英语第四单元Travel (旅行)

[05-17 02:51:53]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:www.89xue.comprices are getting higher.房价在上涨。 注意该词名词复数的发音为[praisiz] 测试要点: (1)价格分“高底”,物品分“贵贱”。如:(错)The price is expensive/cheap. (对)The book is expensive/cheap. (2)价格作主语时,疑问句不能用how much提问,应用What。如:What is the price of cabbages today ?=What price of cabbages today?今天洋白菜啥价? (3)搭配:sell sth at a high/low price以高价或。
高一英语第四单元Travel (旅行),标签:高一英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com
www.89xue.com prices are getting higher.房价在上涨。
  (1)价格分“高底”,物品分“贵贱”。如:(错)The price is expensive/cheap.
(对)The book is expensive/cheap.
  (2)价格作主语时,疑问句不能用how much提问,应用What。如:What is the price of cabbages today ?=What price of cabbages today?今天洋白菜啥价?
  (3)搭配:sell sth at a high/low price以高价或低价出售。at any price=at all costs不惜任何代价。pay a high price for为……付出很高的代价。above/beyond/without price无价之宝。
  (4)区别:price, cost, value, worth, charge, expense
  value价值(按人的主观判断对物品本身内在的有用评价)。如:I paid him $500 for the painting, but its real value must be about $50,000.
  worth价值(指物体本身永远不变的价值,含着一定金额的数量,用法比较特殊)。如:sth be worth +ing(不用动名词的被动式和不定式)。“sth be well worth+钱”是“某物相当值钱”。
  charge索价(指为其提供服务后所要求应付的价钱,常用句型:charge sb+钱+for sth。free of charge免费)
  expense开支,花费(指对……的实际开支花费的金额,常用于:at the expense of , at one\'s expense以……为开支)
  (5)询问价格有多种表达方式。如:这个你要卖多少钱?How much do you ask for (want for, sell) it ?=How much does this cost?=How much is this worth?=What does it cost?=What is this worth?=What\'s the price of this ?=What\'s your charge for this ?=What do you charge for this ?
  7.destroy常作及物动词是“破坏,毁坏,打破……计划,消灭”。(反义词是:construct)如:All her hopes were destroyed.她所有的希望都破灭了。
测试要点:destroy, damage, destruction, break, ruin, spoil, wreck
  destroy指剧烈的毁坏到不能再使用的程度。damage指造成的一定程度上的损失。destruction是不可数名词,如the destruction of a town。break可用于大小东西的损坏。ruin指天灾人祸般的彻底摧毁性。spoil指把事情弄糟。wreck指船、飞机、轮船等交通工具的摧毁。
  8.but作介词“除了”(用于no, all, nobody, who, where等词之后)=except。如:All of them but /except me /I had been there before.除我以外,他们以前都到过那里。(用I时but是连接词)。next but one (two,…)隔一个(两个……)。last but one (two, three…)倒数第一(第二,第三……)。
Last night I did nothing but TV.(A. to watch B. watched C. watch D. watching)
对比:The doctor told him nothing but to stop smoking.医生除了让他戒烟,其它什么都没有说。
  9.phrase短语,习惯用语,词组,片语,措辞。(复数phrases[preiziz])。如:a noun phrase名词短语,a prepositional phrase介词短语,an adjective phrase形容词短语,phrases and idioms习语和成语。如:The book is on the table.—“on the table”is a phrase这本书在桌子上──“在桌子上”是个短语。He spoke in simple phrases, so that the children understood him./He used so many scientific phrases that we did not understand him.
  10.future作名词“将来,未来”。作形容词“将来的,未来的”。如:Children are the future of our motherland.儿童是祖国的未来。It suggests a great future for our Party. 这表明我们的党有光明的前途。He decided that he would build his future home by a lake.他决定在湖边建造他未来的住宅。

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