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高一英语第四单元Travel (旅行)

[05-17 02:51:53]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:90
摘要: 测试要点:辨析in the future, in future, for the future in the future = in time yet to come(常指遥远的以后)将来,今后。如:Who knows what will happen in the future? In future = from now on(指从今以后不再……)。如:You must be careful in future.你今后可要多加小心。 for the future为了以后,为了将来。如:We study hard and gain more knowledge for the future.我们为了以后,要努力。
高一英语第四单元Travel (旅行),标签:高一英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com
测试要点:辨析in the future, in future, for the future
  in the future = in time yet to come(常指遥远的以后)将来,今后。如:Who knows what will happen in the future?
  In future = from now on(指从今以后不再……)。如:You must be careful in future.你今后可要多加小心。
  for the future为了以后,为了将来。如:We study hard and gain more knowledge for the future.我们为了以后,要努力学习,获得更多的知识。
  1.in a few days\' time = in a few days = a few days away几天以后(与将来时连用)。after a few days几天以后(与过去时连用)。如:He will be back in a month.他一个月后回来。He came back after a month.他一个月后回来了。
  注意区别下列各句:He will come back after six o\'clock.(具体指6点后)/He will come back in six hours.(约6个小时后)/He will come back in a week\'s time .(一周后)/He is going to Beijing in three days?/B> time.(三天后)
  2.see…off为某人送行。如:We saw the foreigners off at the airport./Thousands of people were at the airport to see them off .
  3.take a taxi to +地点“乘出租车去……”。如:We must take a taxi to the hospital to call on her.
  4.have a nice/good time in /at +地点“在……过得愉快”。如:Have you had a nice time in Guangzhou?/Did you have a good time at the cinema?
  注意:Have a nice /good time !祝你愉快!(是一个祝愿用语)。又如:Have a pleasant/good trip!/Have a good day!祝你走运!/Good luck to you!/Happy birthday!/Wish you good health!
  注意下列表达:say goodbye to sb向……告别。say sorry to sb = apologize to sb向……道歉。say yes /no to a plan同意/否定一项计划。
  5.be about to do即将干……正要……如:She was about to leave when the postman arrived.
  注意区别:be about to do不与表示将来的具体时间状语连用。be going to do可以表示与将来的时间状语连用。
  6.The same to you .祝你也如此。如:A: Happy New Year to you ! B: The same to you .
  注意区别:(1)A: Have a good holiday! B: Thanks .The same to you .
       (2) A: Happy birthday to you ! B: Thank you very much.
       (3) A: Congratulations on your success! B: Thanks a lot .
  7.get back = come back =return回来,返回。
  8.tie…to …把……系在……
  9.take off起飞;脱下。
  10.every two years每两

《高一英语第四单元Travel (旅行)(第2页)》出自:www.89xue.com网
www.89xue.com 年。every second year= every other year每隔一天。
  注意区别:every three days每三天=every third day每隔两天。every four days每四天=every fourth day每隔三天。every two kilometres每隔一公里(或者:每两公里)。every few hours每过几小时。这说明要用“每隔……”翻译成汉语时,要把英语中的数字减去一。如:The old man went to hospital every five days.那老汉每隔四天就去看一次病。There are buses to the station every ten minutes.每十分钟就有公共汽车去火车站。I went to see a film every two weeks.我每隔一星期去看一次电影。Please take the medicine every four hours .这药要每四小时服一次。(即每隔三小时)
  11.in South America在南美洲
  12.play the guitar弹奏吉他。有时也用:play one\'s guitar弹某人的吉他。
  13.for miles and miles连绵数英里
  14.stay long呆很久
  15.for one or two years = for a year or two一两年

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