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Unit 19 A visit to an island

[05-17 02:26:01]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:(1) —Where have you been? 你去过哪里? —I have been to Shanghai. 我去过上海。(2) —Where is she? 她去哪儿了?—She has gone to the library. 她去图书馆了。4. We’re all by ourselves.就我们这些人。by oneself 意思是“单独的,独自的”。all修饰by oneself,起加强语气的作用。如:I learned English all by myself. My teacher is the recorder.5. The picnic basket was no longer und。
Unit 19 A visit to an island,标签:八年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com
  (1) —Where have you been? 你去过哪里?
     —I have been to Shanghai. 我去过上海。
  (2) —Where is she? 她去哪儿了?
    —She has gone to the library. 她去图书馆了。
  4. We’re all by ourselves.就我们这些人。
  by oneself 意思是“单独的,独自的”。all修饰by oneself,起加强语气的作用。如:
  I learned English all by myself. My teacher is the recorder.
  5. The picnic basket was no longer under the tree.
  no longer 表示“不再”,与not…any longer同义,强调时间。no more也表示“不再”,与not…any more同义,强调数量。原句还可以说为:The picnic basket wasn’t under the tree any longer. 如:
  I don’t want wine any more. It’s more than enough.
  6. Sooner or later you’ll find it somewhere.
  句中的sooner or later意思是“迟早”,其中and前后的sooner和later为互为反义词。英语中这种短语还有一些,下面几组比较常见:
  back and white 白纸黑字  every now and then 不时,时时
  here and there 到处   off and on断断续续
  days and nights 日日夜夜  more or less或多或少
  7. As they were very hungry,they ate up all the food soon. 因为他们很饿,所以他们很快就把食物吃光了。
  We all like her as she is kind. She’s kind to everybody.
  As it was dark, he had to go home. Or his mother would be worried.
  2)eat up意思是‘吃光”。up与某些动词连用时,表示“完全,彻底”的意思。常见的几个词组有:drink up喝光;use up用完;clean up除掉,把……收拾干净。如:
  Please eat up your chicken. You need to eat more as a big boy.
  Drink up your milk before you go to school. It’ll do good to you.
  8. Children took them back to the boat. 孩子们把它们带回船上。
  take back为动副词组。在“动词 + 副词”短语中,当人称代词充当它的宾语时,人称代词不能置于副词之后,只能放在动词和副词之间。类似的短语还有look over,wake up,get back,put on等。如:
  Please wake me up tomorrow morning. I’ll have to get to school half an hour earlier.

Lesson 73教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives: Enable the students to make suggestions and respond to suggestions; grasp the language points in the dialogues, especially the three forms of adjectives.
Language Focus: bring food for a picnic, be there on time, We’d better not do. ...We’ve never been there before, island, far( farther, farthest)
Properties: Tape-recorder, A picture, Overhead projector
Teaching Procedures:
  I. Organizing the class
  Ask the students to get ready for class. Greetings between the teacher and the students and a duty report.
  II. Revision
  1. Check homework.
  2. Write the days of the week on the blackboard. Tell the students to choose an activity for each day. Give an example; “Let’s go shopping on Saturday!” Get the students to respond “Good idea!” or “I’m sorry. I’m not free.” etc. Ask the students to make more suggestions using “Let’s, Shall we. . ., Why don’t we..., How about. . . ?”

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