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Unit 19 A visit to an island

[05-17 02:26:01]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:疑点:1.短语too…totoo…to句型的意思是“太……以致不能……”,too是副词,后面接形容词或副词,to是动词不定式的标志,后接动词原形。该句型虽然没有否定词not或no,但具有否定的意义。若需要加上人称,则在不定式之前加for sb。如:1) The sentence is too difficult to understand. Please give me an easy one.2) These apples are too high for us to reach. We’d better get a ladder.2.We'd better not go there. It’s too。
Unit 19 A visit to an island,标签:八年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com
  too…to句型的意思是“太……以致不能……”,too是副词,后面接形容词或副词,to是动词不定式的标志,后接动词原形。该句型虽然没有否定词not或no,但具有否定的意义。若需要加上人称,则在不定式之前加for sb。如:
  1) The sentence is too difficult to understand. Please give me an easy one.
  2) These apples are too high for us to reach. We’d better get a ladder.
  2.We'd better not go there. It’s too far from here.
  had better后面接动词原形,其否定形式是had better no+动词原形。had不受人称限制,不可以说have/has better。如:
  Girls had better not go out at night. They had better stay at home.
  2. We’ve never been there before.
  该句型 have; has been to+地点名词表示某人曾去过某地,现在已离开那个地方或已回来。若地点是副词则“to”省略。如:
  We have never been to Shanghai. But they have been there for three times. They can tell us a lot about Shanghai.
  3. We won't go until we get it back again!
  They won't leave their school until their teacher returns. They will ask the teacher many questions until they are able to do these exercises.

  在学生熟练掌握第73课第二部分内容的基础上,先回忆一下以前学生用书中所出现的一些有关距离的表示法。如How far is it?/ Is it far?/ It’s/quite near./It’s about…kilometers farthest(furthest)等。同时复习一下far这个词的不规则比较级形式和最高级形式。far→farther(further)→farthest(furthest),告诉学生near(close)的比较级和最高级形式的变化是规则的。老师可以给学生一些提示,让学生相互之间展开由易到难的练习。
  How far is it from your home to school? Is it near from your home to your uncle’s? Is our school far from People Park? Where’s the shopping center?等。
  Lucy: Hi, Li Lei! Where are you going this summer holiday?
  Li Lei: My father will take me to Nanjing.
  Lucy: How wonderful! Nanjing is an old but beautiful city. How far is it from here?
  Li Lei: It's about 360 kilometres. What about you?
  Lucy: I’m going to Shanghai with my uncle to see my grandfather. He works there.
  Li Lei: How far is it from here? Is it nearer or farther than Nanjing?
  Lucy: It's nearer. It's about 180 metres.
  A: Which city do you like best, Qingdao, Nanjing or Hangzhou?
  B: I like Hangzhou best.
  A: Is Hangzhou near here?
  B: No, It’s far from here. It’s about 210 kilometres away.
  A: What about Nanjing?
  B: It's farther. It’s 600 kilometres away.
  A: And Qingdao?
  B: It’s the farthest. It’s nearly 1000 kilometres away.



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