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Unit 19 A visit to an island

[05-17 02:26:01]   来源:http://www.89xue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:90
摘要:3. Ask the students to read the dialogue after the tape.VIII. Exercises in class1. He got up at 8:00.He didn’t catch the bus. (用too. . .to改写)2. Can you hear anything? (改为否定疑问句)3. I can hear something. (改为否定句)4. I can find it somewhere. (改为否定句)5. Somebody is sick. (改为疑问句)6.They’re playing a game. (画线提问)Keys:1.。
Unit 19 A visit to an island,标签:八年级英语教案模板,http://www.89xue.com
  3. Ask the students to read the dialogue after the tape.
  VIII. Exercises in class
  1. He got up at 8:00.He didn’t catch the bus. (用too. . .to改写)
  2. Can you hear anything? (改为否定疑问句)
  3. I can hear something. (改为否定句)
  4. I can find it somewhere. (改为否定句)
  5. Somebody is sick. (改为疑问句)
  6.They’re playing a game. (画线提问)
  1. He got up too late to catch the bus.
  2. Can’t you hear anything?
  3. I can’t hear anything.
  4. I can’t find it anywhere.
  5. Is anybody sick?
  6. What are they doing?
  IX. Homework
  1. Finish exercises on page 87.
  2. Make a dialogue, using the affirmative, interrogative and negative forms of indefinite pronouns.
  3. Recite the first dialogue of Lesson 75.
  X. Summary
(     )1. The children are not alone.
    A. by themselves         B. lonely         C. happy
(    )2.There’s nobody else on the island.
    A. not anybody          B. somebody      C. everybody
(    )3.Who can solve this problem?
   A. difficulty             B. question       C. answer
(    )4. No one is sick.
   A. fine                 B. ill            C. sad
(    )5. Sooner or later, you’ll find it somewhere.
    A. Soon               B. Later         C. Someday in the future
Keys: 1.A  2.A  3.A  4.B  5.C
XI. Writing on blackboard

   Lesson 75


 Indefinite; pronouns/adverbs        1. I can’t hear anything. = I can hear nothing.

 Positive: something, somebody/     2. There is something wrong with. . . =                    something

 someone, somewhere                is wrong with. . .

 Negative: anything, anybody, nobody, anywhere

Lesson 76教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives: Develop the students’ four skills of listening, speaking .reading and

writing; Revise the whole unit.
Language Focus: get back, run after, run away, eat up, drop/fall, bring/take/get/carry/fetch
Properties: Tape-recorder. Overhead projector
Teaching Procedures:
  I. Organizing the class
  1. Ask the students to get ready for class.

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